Created for Helvetas.

Created for Vétérinaires Sans Frontières.

This video was created for CAWST.

This video was created for the Center for Creative Leadership.

SHORT VERSION. This video was created for Refugee Resources to highlight their refugee literacy program.

This video was created for Refugee Resources to highlight their refugee literacy program.

This video was created for Seek the Peace. Seek's mission is to help restore what conflict has undone by equipping refugees to be peacemakers within their communities. Visit

How do you manage a five year project involving 3 implementing partners, 14 civil society organisations, 17 districts, and over 1000 emerging leaders across Uganda?

'The greatest thing we can do for our community is to build up the people instead of building a great worship hall.' This film was created for the Tearfund UK

Modern Nomads Journal is an 88 page magazine style publication containing photo stories about Somalis in the Horn of Africa. This film was created for the kickstarter campaign on March 26th 2015. The project was successfully funded and is know available on Amazon and select resellers around the world.

Imagine growing up in rural Ethiopia where women are often confined to raising children and household tasks. Now imagine that you start saving among your friends, small amounts at first, but then enough to start a business. This is what happened to Chaltu and in this documentary style short, she shares her leadership experience and the change it has brought to her community. This film was created for Center of Creative Leadership and the CSSP with the support of the British Council.
We don't want our community to be dependent on aid any more'. A film showing the remarkable transformation in one community in Ethiopia through Self Help Groups and the local church. The film was created for Tearfund UK